Shield, with rawhide edges, sewn by hand with high quality waxed linen thread.
10mm thick plywood. Covered with two layers of linen glued to the front, a layer behind.
Measurements: 90x 60cm approx.
Weight: 2500g-3000g approx.
Made on order in usually 2-4 weeks.
We based this replica on the Saint-George from Yuryev-Polski's church depiction, Rus, 12-13th century.
Similar shields are shown in the Kremlin Nizhny-novgorod Museum exhibition.
Similar kite shields, are known into Western & Eastern Europe, from late 10th century to middle age.
- You can order the shield with handle. Thick felt cushion, covered with linen, & leather straps adjustables.
- You can add rawhide edging (1-2mm thick cow rawhide leather, sewn with waxed linen thread - extra resistant)
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Our replicas of medieval swords and sabers are intended for an adult and informed public - Nos répliques d'épées et de sabres médiévaux sont destinés à un public majeur et averti.