Historical headwears

Nomadic / Birka hats
Brocade silk hats, lined with wool, with taffeta silk edges.
All visible stitches are hand sewn.
Silk brocade from Byzantine workshops or from central asia.
We only work with high quality historical brocade silk replicas, replicating the best possible the historical patterns.
This type of hat is common among nomadic populations, notably Alans, and Khazares of the early Middle Ages. Such hats have been unearthed at the archaeological site of Moschevaya Balka, dated between the year 800 and 1000.
The nomadic population that lived there is part of the archaeological "Saltovo-Mayaki" culture which includes the Khazars, Pechenegs, Magyars, Alans, and features Slavic influences.

The pointed shape also recalls that of the helmets used by these same nomads, but also by the Rus, and the Vikings in contact with these nomadic populations (helmet of Oskol, Gulbische, Pecs, Kazazovo and many others).

The presence on the Viking site of Birka, in Sweden, of a Khazar garrison led archaeologists to think that this type of hat could also be in vogue among the Vikings, through cultural interactions. Thus, the Birka museum recently proposed the reconstruction of a range of clothing including this type of hat, typically steppic. Such garments are oftently covered with luxuous silk brocade from central asia or imported from Byzance, as the nomadic and Rus - Vikings loves.

Prices starts from 69 euros.

Aalsum hat (Netherlands, Viking, Frison)

Aalsum hat, after an artifact dated to the early Middle Ages from the Netherlands. Wool exterior, linen lining, visible hand seams. A similar cap is known at Hedeby, Denmark, even if this artefact is fragmentary. Similar "pillbox" caps are known in netherlands too, at the same period, and earlier in the whole late roman empire.
Customers can choose size, and colour, obviously, as always.

Price starts from 65 euros.

Silk brocade head-band (Rus, Slavs especially)

Silk brocade headbands for reenactors womens.

These headbands are made of silk brocade. Our silk brocades fabrics are faithful replica sof original examples, mostly from Byzantium, and some others from the Middle East and Asia, all dating from the early Middle Ages. These headbands are ery useful to maintain a historical veil on the head.

Headbands are well known to historians: visible in illuminations, whether they are Carolingian, or Byzantines, they are also known among the Slavs and the Rus thanks to the metal temporal rings which have been preserved in the earth despite the years, unlike fabrics which degrade, and only few scraps remnants.
Historians also know of textual mentions of these headbands.

Our headbands are composed of a silk panel and linen laces on each side.
We use linen laces that are both flexible and very resistant, in order to facilitate the tying of the headband around the head, also guaranteeing a beautiful fall of the knot. One sized! / For all head size, thanks to the linen laces!
* We can also sew - on demand - full silk brocade headbands, without linen laces, if you want a full lenght brocade silk headband.

Four, and six pannels hats / Phrygian hats

Hats made of wool, or silk brocade, and lined with linen. All visible stitches are hand-sewn. Customer can choose colour, silk brocade, or monochrome silk colour & pattern. Four and six pannels hats: There are artifacts from Birka, and eastern areas. Such hats are probably widespread in Europe.
Phrygian hats are widespread too, into iconography.

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