Replica of a Khazar saber from the early Middle Ages (9th century).
Very similar examples are known among the Avars, who fought the Carolingians, and the Cumans.
The Khazars are a semi-nomadic people originally from Central Asia, having emigrated to Eastern Europe. They fought the Rus, with whom they are in close contact. This type of saber was therefore possibly used by the warriors of Old Rus. Moreover, a Khazar garrison having settled in Birka, the famous Viking counter located in present-day Sweden, so the use of such sabres among the Scandinavians, sporadically, cannot be ruled out either.
The Khazars allied with Byzantium, and thus formed a barrier between the Byzantine Empire and the invaders from the Eurasian steppes.
The Byzantine Emperor Leo III even sealed an alliance with the Khazars, marrying his son and heir, Constantine, to a Khazar princess named Çicek (Flower). Baptized under the name of Irene, she will give birth to Emperor Leo IV "the Khazar"
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Our replicas of medieval swords and sabers are intended for an adult and informed public - Nos répliques d'épées et de sabres médiévaux sont destinés à un public majeur et averti.