Authentic silk brocade fabric. Main fabric: silk. Other fibers: rayon.
Woven. Accurate copy of the original pattern.
You can select the desired lenght, from 20 to 250cm.
75 cm width.
The pattern of this magnificent brocade silk is similar to a fresco, found in the castle of Esztergom in Hungary, dated 10 - 11th century. The motif is probably in connexion with the Saint-Siviard silk, also dated from the 10th century. Parallels are also possible with other brocades from Eastern sources. We can therefore deduce that the motif of the Esztergom fresco comes from a Byzantine silk.
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Our replicas of medieval swords and sabers are intended for an adult and informed public - Nos répliques d'épées et de sabres médiévaux sont destinés à un public majeur et averti.