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Coin blanks x50 pcs / 25mm diameter

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Product Details

Technical features

- Pack of 50 coin blanks. If you need more quantity, click 'add to cart' multiple times.
- 1,5mm thick.
- Material: lead. Perfect for coin minting, allowing you to obtain the best relief at an affordable price.
- Diameter: 25mm approx.
- Manufactured in France, on order, and shipped worldwide within 2-4 weeks, from France!

You can purchase a guide to make striking your coins easier. Click here!

Coin blanks may vary very slightly in color, and occasionally have slight surface imperfections due to the artisanal nature of production. Please take this into account.Coin blanks may vary very slightly in color, and occasionally have slight surface imperfections due to the artisanal nature of production. Please take this into account. For optimal comfort of use, and to protect the metal from oxidation, we recommend that you grease your corner blanks with a lubricating product such as WD40.

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