Authentic silk brocade fabric.
Main fiber: Silk.
Other fiber: Rayon.
Woven. Accurate copy of the original pattern.
Fabric width: 75cm.
The model here was probably woven in Persia or in the Far East, but fragments with a thematic, geographical origin, and similar dates are known in Europe, as in Oseberg for example.
In the Oseberg ship, which was excavated almost a hundred years ago, more than a hundred small fragments of silk were found. It is the oldest silk find from the Viking Age in Norway. At the time of the discovery, no one believed that these precious tissue fragments could have come from Persia, see from beyond. It was believed then, and wrongly, that most of it had been looted from churches and monasteries in England and Ireland. Today recent research attests to the existence of long and complex trade routes across all of Eurasia, from the far reaches of China to the Norwegian Fjords
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