Armenian were in close contact with the Byzantine, as well as the Seldjukides during the 12th century. A few years later, the stepping invaders, called "Mongols" are regularly raiding the modern called Armenia.
Such sabres are quite common in shape, and resemble the weapons used in the steppes, or by the Seljuk.
We have chosen not to reproduce the engravings on the blade, by mutual agreement with most of the customers, in order to reduce the cost.
Tous droits réservés - Living History Market - Siret 85197040000012 - Immatriculation RCS 851 970 400 Lille Métropole - TVA non applicable, art. 293 B du Code général des impôts -
Our replicas of medieval swords and sabers are intended for an adult and informed public - Nos répliques d'épées et de sabres médiévaux sont destinés à un public majeur et averti.